Part Time Pet – Pet Exchange Program

Part Time Pet

Orion was designed keeping one goal in mind – automated order management and order tracking system. The client is a large scale garment manufacturer running more than 20+ retail outlets for all kind of uniforms. The application helps the outlet manager to place an order from a customer with custom measurements depending upon the garment selected. Once the order is placed, it is tracked and processed by different people from inventory manager, production head, design head, etc for a successful and efficient delivery. This helps to optimize and organizing the whole process chain from the order creation to order delivery.


Highlighted features:

  • Different roles for different type of users with a rule engine to decide which user has what authorities
  • Each order can be customised with different measurements
  • Automatic pricing based on the measurement, garment, and quantity
  • Analytics dashboard to get an overview of sales, top selling garments, etc
  • Order tracking based of following stages: “Received”, “Verified”, “Processed”, “Stitching”, “Out of stock”, “Dispatched”, “Returned”, “Cancelled” and “Delivered”
  • Each item can be assigned to a particular manufacturing unit for advanced tracking and assigned to a courier company for delivery tracking.


Part Time Pet, Denmark

Date Of Completion

Jan 2018

Actively Used

Under testing

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