Project Aves The web application is fully functional and used for employee management, internal employee reports, employee payments/expenses tracking, product database management and project/client management. It saves a lot of man-hours each day by organizing and automating the company's workflow. The Project comprises of 6 modules which are all interlinked 1. Pelican - Product database [...] Read More
Part Time Pet Orion was designed keeping one goal in mind - automated order management and order tracking system. The client is a large scale garment manufacturer running more than 20+ retail outlets for all kind of uniforms. The application helps the outlet manager to place an order from a customer with custom measurements depending [...] Read More
PROJECT ORION Orion was designed keeping one goal in mind - automated order management and order tracking system. The client is a large scale garment manufacturer running more than 20+ retail outlets for all kind of uniforms. The application helps the outlet manager to place an order from a customer with custom measurements depending upon [...] Read More